It was that lighthearted a thing. Dreams are, of course, the subject of psychoanalysis and dream analysis, but for our purposes let's leave that aside. Dreams are seen and subsequently experienced.
My sole occupation is now dreamtelling at e-mail provider Nifty-Serve. My dreamtelling takes place in the private meeting room "Yume Kaihou-ku" (Dream Liberated District), edited by poet Isshiki Makoto. Myriads of people from myriads of professions gather here, all expert in handling dreams. Mr. Isshiki reflects dreams as poetry. He feels poems and dreams both express the human unconscious in metaphoric images.
I'll commence the Dream Sessions assuming my guide role. I'd like to present "At Random" at first. Dreams on this subject, dreams suddenly recalled upon reading my dreams, or dreams that have nothing to do with any of the above are fine. Make a DreamPak and send it in. (To make a DreamPak . . . )
"Dream Sending" is played in the Dream Liberated District. Somebody has a dream and documents it in the meeting room. If somebody else's dreams were in some way influenced by having read this dream it is reported at the meeting room. It's like a hyperlink. I would like to try this over the Internet and see everybody's dreams grow like a spider's web into a magnificent dream link.
to read dreams go to "At Random At First"
return to Dream Notation master COCO
to Rengei-Za