1996/1/26 COCO Mito Art Tower

(dream) I am going to an art museum in Ibaragi prefecture with several people. From the train ride, I assume we've come someplace quite far. We detrain, walk awhile and come to a small hill where housing development construction is underway. On the far side is a pyramid-shaped building, seemingly Mito Art Tower. I ask the construction site foreman directions and apparently used to being asked, he begins a guided tour. He looks like the president of a construction labor company, but is actually a white-collar dropout, local landowner and active in a variety of business endeavors. He has a lovely, country house-style home in the midst of a lush mountain to the side of the construction site.
As we had come to the museum on an excursion and managed to arrive before noon, we are required to sketch the landscape upon entrance. The paper is approximately B4 size. I can draw on the spot, so I thought it was a fun prospect, but the others would probably have a hard time. According to our laborer guide, the sketch was to be of the scenery as seen from the museum balcony. However, the surrounds were nothing but a bland scenes of modernity and would be difficult to make into a picture. Then suddenly, completely out of balance, there is a lush mountain. I am puzzling over what and how to draw. (The end.)

I have never been to Mito Art Tower.

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