ICC-ISEA 連画 '95


An Optimistic Angel
Toshihiro ANZAI
On the other side of the earth
My forehead is in your heel
My tip of a toe is in your nape of the neck
Our Falling Angel is Your Optimistic Angel

澄夫 G.O.N. 伊藤, Sumio Ito
He was jumping out from between the two red goblins.
And,there was a big hole.

Dances with masks
Marie-Luce Levesque
As a test for the Renga session,
- we are now sending 2 drawings that were done by artist Marie-Luce Levesque (both from drawing No 1 done by Mr Anzai)
- Marie-Luce suggests that the japanese counterpart choose if they wish to publish only one or the two drawings
- they were done in the following order: first, Masks, then, Dances with masks

Melting Earth
Marie-Claude Caille
"The wind turned and turned. Turned so strong!
The two sides of earth melted together as fire and water.
There was an incredible sound.
The falling angel was flying over the optimistic view."

Cat squeezes
" Cat squeezes " Rieko Nakamura 1995/09/18
Once upon a time, there were two rivers existed:
"Tigris" and "Euphrates".
They had a rendezvous and formed one huge river.
An angel of ISEA united two separate rivers into one....

Mariette Tome
Hi! My name is Mariette Tome
It is my first fast image.
My original drawing was cats.jpeg
From Montreal with LOVE

La Grande Famille
モリワキ ヒロユキ (Hiroyuki Moriwaki)
I just watched a bird not but a cats in this picture.
I added a Image of Magritte, "La Grande Famille".

Le Ciel et la Famille
Patrick Bourque
This image came from Hiroyuki Moriwaki and it is called LA GRANDE FAMILLE.
My name is Patrick Bourque.
I will be working at ISEA 95 until 12:00 PM(our time) and whish to work on several images from you. Please send a message.

澄夫 G.O.N. 伊藤, Sumio Ito
This image came fromt "Le Ciel et la Famille".
I picked up skull image from the parent image.
This title means skull-SAMURAI.

Dominique Laurent
Hello Sumio!
I am Dominique Laurent from Quebec, Canada.
It is a real privilege to have the oportunity of working on your image. My interest on new technologies sarted about three years ago when i had the chance to work on a Macintosh for the first time. It was a kind of awakening for me, opening a hole lot of different ways of seeing art and living it. My type of work is very mixmedia. How to work with space ( virtual or material ) brings me to study the limit of installations including video or computer technologies as well as the effect of light and shadows on space it self. My two favorite themes right now are: angels and the relation between art and medecine. That is why i have chosen to highlight the anatomical parts of your drawing as a certain kind of radiology. I will be very interested about your view of my image, please send me back a note .
Thank you for every thing,
Dominique Laurent ( i will send you shortely a biography of my work )

M, R, E
Toshihiro ANZAI
Three fairies came from three skeltons
Their names are Ma, Ri and E
Ma means truth
Ri means logic
E means picture in Japan

The fairies went back home
Ginette Daigneault
Bonjour, I worked from the image of Anzai named M R E.
I send the fairies back in the nature, full of informations but aware of the possibility of loosing what is naturel, what is sensitivity.
I hope to have the possibility to work with you again. It was a pleasure to dray on your image. Sayonara.