Even cowgirls...get the blues/Andrea Zapp (GERMANY)1997,08,17


Even cowgirls get the blues - as inner is outer, man is woman is cat,
up is down and tomorrow is yesterday.


Andrea Zapp, born 1964, lives in Berlin. She studied film theory, 
russian language and literature at the universities in Marburg/Germany 
and Moscow.
M.A. thesis on russian contemporary film in 1990. After working at the
Institute for Film and Image in Munich, she was programme director of
 the "Interactiva-Festival" in Cologne in 1992 and 1993. 
Since 1995 she is lecturing at the Academy for Film and Television (HFF) 
in Potsdam-Babelsberg. 
In theoretical and practical projects and in her PhD research she is 
focussing on the topic of narratives and storytelling, reflecting the 
transformation of traditional media elements into networked digital
 models of navigation and communicative environments. 
(Collaborative research platform: www.uni-potsdam.de/u/scenario/index.html.)

She is also guest lecturer at the media department of the University in
Marburg/Germany. Presentations at ISEA Montreal, CAA New York, 
Arteleku San Sebastian, Modern Dance School Amsterdam, ICC Gallery 
Tokio, Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Transmedia Berlin etc. Her recent net 
"Last entry: Bombay, 1st of July..." is a collaborative story 
platform on identity, fiction and documentation of a virtual figure and 
will be shown in 1997 at the ARS Electronica Linz, the ZKM Multimediale 
in Karlsruhe and the Digital Salon in New York. 
